Lively Living’s Aroma-Snooze Sleep-Aid Vaporiser has captured the market with its groundbreaking and innovative features. Since it’s launch early this year, we’ve been overwhelmed by your response, and it’s enormously rewarding to receive feedback on how the Aroma-Snooze has helped settle children of all ages. We’re very happy to be instrumental in helping the whole family reclaim their sleep!


But what makes the Aroma-Snooze such a baby whisperer? It’s all in the research! When we first started exploring concepts for an aroma diffuser that would double as a powerful sleep-aid, we wanted the new addition to our range to be the most technologically advanced product we could deliver – both in design and functionality. After much research into the science of sleep cycles, and various methods to help soothe and settle newborns through to older children, we decided on a range of combined features designed with sleep at the forefront.


We’ve talked about the benefits of red LED light therapy before, and also how pink noise is one of the best natural ways to promote a deeper sleep in both children and adults.  Adding to this dynamic duo, the Aroma-Snooze also boasts five pre-recorded lullabies, a heartbeat and nature tracks, and a voice recorder with looped playback, which can work as a powerful way to settle your little one.


Voice Recorder and Looped Playback – So Many Uses

The Aroma-Snooze’s voice recorder can be used in a number of ways. With thirty seconds recording time, some parents like to record the sound of their voice, whether it’s a personal message to their child, a lullaby, or perhaps a positive affirmation. This option has proved very popular for parents who may not be able to tuck their child in every night due to shift work, or other commitments.


But the Aroma-Snooze’s voice recorder is not just a night time saviour; it has the versatility to soothe and calm little ones at any time of the day – you’re really only limited by your creativity! Here’s some of the different ways our customers have been using the voice recorder feature in their home:

  • One savvy mum reported she recorded her voice on the Aroma-Snooze as a way to reassure her anxious child when a new babysitter was coming over.
  • Here’s a great tip from a FIFO father: A recording of Dad’s voice works wonders for any child who is missing their father when he’s working away for days or weeks at a time. Hearing Dad’s voice as children drift off to sleep reminds them he’s always thinking of them and will be home soon.
  • Working mums can’t always be there in the afternoon when their child arrives home from playgroup or kindergarten. Recording a favourite ‘silly’ song for her daughter to play proved a big hit for one of our working parents.
  • And what about this beautiful tip from one thoughtful lady who reported she was going to record her mother’s voice so her son would always have a reminder of his grandmother’s voice. We love the idea the Aroma-Snooze can also double as a cherished keepsake of precious family memories.

 The science of “shushing”


Another highly effective scientifically-backed method is to record the sound of your voice “shushing”. This can then be set for a looped playback to soothe your child for as long as required. The ‘shushing technique’ is achieving positive results around the globe, and is based on recreating an essential element of the experience of living in the womb. In the womb the sound of blood flow makes a “shushing” noise, which is why it is such an effective settler outside of the womb. The “shushing” sound of your voice mimics the internal sounds of a womb, creating an atmosphere of security, familiarity, and comfort for your baby.


Dr Harvey Karp, pediatrician and children’s environmental health advocate, includes “shushing” in his 5 S’s For Soothing Babies – steps which have been modeled on his theory  all babies are born with a “calming reflex” that quickly relaxes most babies when they are stimulated in a way that resemble sensations that babies experience in the womb.


Whichever way you decide to use the Aroma-Snooze voice reorder and loopback feature, we’re confident the sound of your voice will reassure your baby and help them settle into a deep and restful sleep, so important for healthy growth and development… and so important for you!


Create an ideal sleep environment in your nursery or bedroom with the AromaSnooze.  The Aroma-Snooze currently includes a 15ml bottle of our Certified Organic ‘Snooze’ essential oil blend.


The Snooze Blend may also be purchased separately here.